Things to share...

When it rained the most during the three days, we sat outside in some kind of tent, blogging, laughing an eating healthy things we aquired at the famous Ica that had two floors.
The rain.
Yeah, but it was still kind of warm outside. Kind of cozy. And I know that at least me and Matt love the rain.
We should totally write lyrics on the subject.

It has been a tiring experience, as you can see further down. Three out of five members fell asleep at some point.
Martin fell asleep (a sleepy picture of a sleepy bassplayer will be uploaded when it will be uploaded)
I fell asleep. Probably dreaming of zombies.
I needed an energy drink to come back to reality. And I never drink energy drinks...

Our poor drummer Samuel fell asleep. On the floor, even, as soon as he was done with recording his drums.

Lots more crazy stuff happened, but all of the pictures and videos has not been available yet.
More to come later.
More to come later.
Until then.