If you suddenly stopped aging and had eternal life, what would your life look like the forthcoming thousand years?
- Alex: I would spend the forthcoming 100 years perfecting my musical skills in different instruments. The next 100 years I would spend building an independent economy. Further ahead the next 100 years I would spend exploring the world. The next 100 years I would spend building a heritage/family. The next 100 years I would spend perfecting my human skills. The next 100 years I would spend perfecting my skills in technology. The next 300 years I would spend developing technology that would aid the human race in forth coming challenges. My last 74 years I would spend writing music based on all that I experienced so far creating pieces that just are out of this world and my final year I would then plan what to do the next forthcoming 1000 years
- Matt: I'd take a few hundreds of years learning instruments, couple more to enjoy the world as a musician and travel. Then I don’t know.
- Jade: I’d work on things that would take forever to perfect. I’d live in every possible way I would ever want to. Maybe start a cult, just to see if it would work. Then I’d kill myself out of boredom.
- Martin: Two things, play bass like there is no tomorrow and learn everything about chemistry :D
- Samuel: Well, that depends entirely on the circumstances of said immortality - am I invincible, or simply unaging? Do I have to eat? Breathe? Am I essentially some faggy twilight vampire, but without the fangs and sparkles, or am I simply stuck in time? But anyway, I would probably travel. And depending on the answers to the aforementioned questions I would or would not wait until I was in some manner economically independent. Oh, and I'd probably learn a lot of things as well; perhaps become a historian, since I'd really live in the past anyway, so everything I did I would have the opportunity to see the result of, like a omniscient herald of the butterfly effect. So yeah, now when I think about it I would probably pick people and haunt them for fifty years or so, influence their lives and see their reactions, so yeah, I'd essentially be the "dark man in the trench coat" that grandpa has seen twice every year since he was twelve
What's eating you?
- Alex: My worm inside my brain
- Matt: Zombies, eating my brainz! *OM NOM NOM NOM*
- Jade: The man eaters on the coast of Barbary
- Martin: The question is rather; “Why is it eating me?”
- Samuel: Time.
If you had to remove one of your five senses which would you sacrifice?
(Sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch)
- Alex: Smell
- Matt: Taste, I eat because I need to.
- Jade: Smell. Unfortunately is affects the sense of taste a lot, but at least I wouldn’t be able to smell anything unpleasant like sweat, farts and rubbish. And not wonderful smells like chocolate, peach, vanilla and cinnamon either though…
- Martin: Smell!
- Samuel: Since I'd lose a lot of taste with the smell... I'd remove the reflexive sense of pain. There are something like twelve separate senses anyway.
Do you have any bad habits?
- Alex: I work alot and can play video games for 10-15 hours a day
- Matt: Yeah, game addiction
- Jade: Yeah… If there is an item like a book, dress, heels, candelabra etc, that I feel that I REALLY want, I can’t concentrate on anything besides that one item until I get it. I make up nonsense reason why I need it. And this occurs mostly when I’m broke.
- Martin: Connecting every question to science...
- Samuel: Of course I have
What would you consider to be your best quality?
- Alex: Producing results
- Matt: My charm and my ability to never give up.
- Jade: Getting dressed. Oh, and baking. I make the best frozen cheesecake. Ever.
- Martin: Open minded to music
- Samuel: My interest and enthusiasm about my environment and how it affects my imagination. But not THE environment, screw that stuff.
What is 2/3?
- Alex: 0.666
- Matt: 0,666 \m/
- Jade: Metal.
- Martin: It´s (2^1/2*3^-1/2)^2 or 0,666 + 6E-4+6E-5+......+6E-n and n=infinity
- Samuel: 4/6
If you had to dispose of a body part, which one would it be and why?
- Alex: A toe?
- Matt: A leg, I'd still be able to sing, play instruments and computer games.
- Jade: An ear, as long as it doesn’t affect my hearing. And it could look kinda cool.
- Martin: My appendix of course!
- Samuel: The second toe from the right on my right foot's nail. Because it looks retarded.
If you had three wishes from a genie, what would you wish for?
- Alex: Unstoppable amount of money (money can be used to aid so many others and unlocks abilities and doors for other as you can supply them with money) Eternal life and control of over anything in the universe
- Matt: Wealth, talent and longer life in my current young state.
- Jade: A voice strong like steel and beautiful like a flower, new black 5” heels and tea that never runs cold.
- Martin: Bring Frank Zappa back from the dead and reunite Mr. Bungle, a bass with ten strings and all the chemistry equipment I want.
- Samuel: I would become a pop tart and fly through space while shitting a rainbow. Or perhaps I'd do the standard and ask for more wishes. Or maybe that's how I got to live for so long, in which case I would become something cool, like a spare time urban legend or something (I'm obsessed with interesting stories of that kind). Oh! Or I'd go mad with power and ask to become the world's most powerful genie, just to be sucked into my new lamp while damning a young handsome middle-eastern thief! Or maybe I would go mad with stupid and wish that "everyone's wishes would come true", thus damning the universe. So many wishes, so little time. In the end I'd probably back away slowly, because we're not meant to wish for things like that. Humans are inherently unable to see the full consequence of their own choices. Oh, who am I kidding? I would be egoistical like everyone else would. Yes, even You who only wished for world peace and the end of poverty. Even you.
Name one bad good and one bad attribute about each person around you?
- Alex:
- Martin: Good, his dedication (he will become mad one day as his passion consumes him) and a bad attribute is his health.
- Samuel: Good his natural talents and bad is that he sometimes make bad choices that affects him badly.
- Jade: Good, her diamond eyes in knowing what to wear/stand to make a good image and her bad is her laziness.
- Matt: His incredible devotion to aim for the stars and his bad is that he is naive/easy affected
- Matt:
- Jade: Needs to have things her way or nothing at all, but focused.
- Martin: Very focused on his way, not being able to adapt his views.
- Alex: Very independent and focused, tends to be sort of a dictator sometimes.
- Samuel: Very talkative and humoristic but tends to want to have an opinion about everything.
- Jade:
- Martin: He processes his thoughts very quickly, he thinks fast. His brain is unfortunately connected directly to his mouth and he talks very fast, haha.
- Samuel: One of the most creative persons I have ever met, his ideas are most often brilliant and fresh. Though, he is very often late for a meet up.
- Alex: He makes things happen, he follows through with his and our plans. Sometimes he forgetsthat we are five persons involved in the plans and not only one.
- Matt: So enthusiastic about things he likes! But sometimes he won’t consider ideas he doesn’t instantly warm up to.
- Martin:
- Alex: Fantastisc guitarist and a extremly talented song writer - Can be a bit bossy.
- Samuel: His eternal monologues and his fantastic passion - His eternal monologues.
- Jade: Funny, faboulous writer/lyricist and a fantastic singer- Distracts Matt with her female attributes.
- Matt: Killer growler - Can be extremly close minded!
- Samuel:
- Alex: Great talent and has a very sober view of the music industry - That same talent
and the respect it entitles means that his words can reflexively be considered final, even though
other options are possible. - Mathias: Passionate and considerate - Can be quite naïve and quick to set his mind in stone about
issues. - Martin: Visionary to the bone - Gets ahead of himself.
- Jade: Great to work with when she's in a flow - Afraid of making mistakes
How would you imagine it would be like to have sex in space?
- Alex: Floaty!
- Matt: One hump and you float away :P
- Jade: Amusing, in well… not a very sexy way.
- Martin: If you mean outside a spaceship I would call it a deathtrap!
- Samuel: Dizzying
What is your favourite romantic moment?
- Alex: Waking up every day next to my darling.
- Matt: Candles, movies and eyes meeting
- Jade: The first kiss you share with someone you are deeply infatuated with. I will never forget
any first kisses. - Martin: Being with my girlfriend.
- Samuel: Butcher shed
What time period do you wish to live in?
- Alex: Current time period or another 2000 years in to the future
- Matt: 1700 or 1970-1990
- Jade: 18th or 19th Century. Ah, good ol’ fashion and misogyni.
- Martin: Being born 10 - 20 years earlier.... To be able to see Mr.bungle and Frank Zappa live =
the dream - Samuel: This one. Perhaps a close future, but I'm far too comfortable to live without toilet paper,
no matter if it's obsolete or not invented.
What one thing would you bring to a deserted island and why?
- Alex: My darling because it’s always more fun being two.
- Matt: A guitar. It can always explain the feelings inside and can supply wood for a fire.
- Jade: The Kingkiller Chronicles. Yes, they are three separate books. Yes, I cheat.
- Martin: A ship so I can get away from that place.
- Samuel: A middle-sized, seaworthy boat. Ha ha, fooled the system!
What would you do if you woke up one day and realised you had changed into the opposite
- Alex: Find a way to change back
- Matt: I would not leave my bed for many hours...
- Jade: Wonder if I finally could understand the offside rule in soccer.
- Martin: Be amazed and wonder what the fuck had happened... then start doing an analysis on
what really did happen. - Samuel: I'd scream. And then I'd scream again because I wouldn't recognize my voice. Then I would lie catatonic in my bed, whisper "It's just a dream, it's just a dream...", try to sleep in hope of waking up to a new day with a penis, and if that wasn't the case, do some of those things all over again. I'd probably vomit out of sheer, overwhelming dread and hopelessness over my current state, and I would get to some place with a stable internet connection (ie "not my apartment") to search around for other cases of this happening. A few hours or so into the search I would probably hate every single person whining about how much they'd want to be the little girl, and shortly after that conclude that at least (under my ideal circumstances) I'm totally hot and this t-shirt with no bra really shows off my boobs. Too bad my mind wouldn't change to accommodate the new body, so it would be really annoying to be hit on by guys. Oh, and I'd explore the secret world of female pair toilet visiting.
- Alex: None, but if I had to choose. The real only female around us, Jade
- Matt: At the moment anyone go get it out of my system :P
- Jade: I’d rather not at all.
- Martin: Girlfriend obviously
- Samuel: One of those gals a few rows down from here, because they might look good (can only see them from behind), and at least they're in my age group.
- Alex: No.
- Matt: Yes, I do
- Jade: I believe there are several people that are a perfect match out there for everyone.
- Martin: No!
- Samuel: It's a strange idea that somehow two souls are metaphysically connected and only these
two are somehow compatible with each other, so no. Although the idea is nice. Love is so much
more than just "fate"
- Alex: Don’t have one because I never came to create one
- Matt: I don’t have any yet; I have a few piercings though.
- Jade: I have my “It’s always tea time” 6 O’Clock on my right thigh with a steaming teapot and
cup in front of it. It was made in 2009. - Martin: Don’t have one. Why? Go to the genie question, second wish.... That’s why!
- Samuel: I have none. I'm thinking of getting a couple though.
- Alex: Unable to die
- Matt: X-Ray vision
- Jade: Easily being able to walk in extremely high heels any time.
- Martin: Super brain --- Fuck yeah!
- Samuel: Telekinesis. Then I'd study physics and chemistry to adapt my powers to everything
from burning stuff to freezing things to everything in between.
- Alex: No comments
- Matt: I was 13... *am I in yet? No… no… no… 'moan' yes!*
- Jade: Lost it? No, no, no, I gave that away.
- Martin: No!
- Samuel: Rocks and needles.
- Alex: Take it easy and just relax and enjoy life
- Matt: I'd write a letter explaining what I feel, what I know and what I want further generations
to know, to teach them. - Jade: Dress up and spend all of my money and a little more on afternoon tea at the Ritz. Yes, all
of them, because that will be kinda pricey. Seriously. - Martin: Be with the person I love and play bass all day long.
- Samuel: I'd have a coke. And eat so much chocolate. And then I'd throw pies at people.