The name is Evve and from early on I wanted to be a drummer. My parents thought it was too loud so at the age of 14 I became the lead singer of a band instead.
It wasn’t enough to satisfy my hunger for music so I sidelined as a singer/songwriter with a bit softer sound and started to play bass in my former doom-metal band ‘The Sorceress’. Later on our guitarist and I ended up taking over the singing and growling too. The Sorceress broke up during 2007 and the year after, when I graduated from school my passion for music began too demise as the amount of work and energy outweigh the results.

Years passed, when I suddenly felt the urge to wright and play again. I put out an ad and Alex found me. I’m Circus of Lamias new bass player. I’m reloaded and ready. I close my eyes and inhale; I feel it spread, like adrenaline through my body. I welcome the madness and embrace it.

Until next time..

Greeting from the keyboardist

Hi all!

New keyboardist Fredrik here. Since I've been in this band for two months, I think it's time for me to introduce myself.

Just like many others, I started playing the piano when I was about 8. As I wasn’t playing any of the things I liked to play, I started to lose interest after a couple of years. Then, at the age of 14, I discovered gothic and symphonic metal and decided to transform from a pianist into a metal keyboardist. Some years and several bands later, I can now say my transformation is complete.

My role in COL is mainly to add some new elements to our sound, sometimes symphonic, sometimes oriental and sometimes just craziness. I’m also hoping to turn this blog into a website pretty soon.

That’s all from me at the moment. So stay metal and beware of the zombies.


Welcome to our Circus, our Asylum, our Home!

As you may have noticed my name is Martin, born in the glorious year of 1992 and therefore the youngest in our crew.  My roll in all this madness except for constantly ranting about Chemistry, Math, Unexpect and Mike Patton is to play the bass. And not a regular four string bass! That´s because I’m the youngest in the band, I need to compensate!

Therefore I play on an evil 6 string bass instead of a regular one (and for defending myself against Matt´s constant bass jokes), I´m trying hard to change between bass techniques, finding new ones and making up my own. Everything to open new doors in my bass playing, this together with inspiration from Chemistry, Alchemy, Weird music and Litterateur I try to make my footprint in our music.

Outside of the band I study Chemistry and working on a school for children between the ages of 6- 10. My interests include Chemistry, Music, Avant Garde, Reading, Alchemy and Maths, a wonderfull mix of music and science! Come on(!) someone has to be the mad scientist right?
I actually thought about changing Malicious Martin to Mathematical Martin, but I would have probably been killed for that.


Samuel - He Is

Keep focusing on this text, do not let your eyes wander.

I actually loathe doing presentations in this manner; not because I have any trouble expressing myself in text, but rather because it always calls for the question "is the person writing this text really presenting their self or are they simply presenting an image?", which is even more relevant when the person writing is part of a musical group with a very... Extravagant niche.

Now, with the lampshading of the inherent issues over, here I am. I am the drummer of this wonderful little group of merry men; a dedicated reader and horror fan from an early age I read Lovecraft and Poe before I knew their names, and I had read most well-known classical ghost- and horror stories by the age of ten. Why I have always had such a fascination with the macabre I do not know, but it has always been there in the back of my head, however, this does not give much help to those who want to get an image of me and my personality out of this text, so let us change subject a little. I talk, and think, and then talk some more. If the other members would be asked to describe me they would probably say something like that; my brain is often in overdrive, always spinning away on some issue(s), which makes some of my comments seem detached from the general conversation as I've (notice the shift to spelling with apostrophes, it's (hah, again) becoming a less formal text from now on) already said the relevant point, heard the answer and is now tackling the following comment before actually uttering a word. If Jade rambles, I monologue, digging away at whatever subject at sometimes ridiculous speeds.
This does not mean that I never shut up however, only that I'm difficult to stop once I get going; I'm actually very keen on listening when something serious is being discussed, often choosing to wait until the very end, approaching the problem from all directions before saying something, as talk is great, but running in circles around a subject is more annoying than having to walk two kilometres to a bus stop because the one you've been standing at for thirty minutes somehow gets ignored by the traffic. Or listening to people talk about their babies for longer than ten minutes at a time (tops, and only if they are friends).

Well, whaddaya know, we're back a zero again, because that's only a tiny part of what I am as a person, and I assume that you're far more interesting in learning about me as a musician, so here goes: I like playing around with my instrument. There, I said it. Drummers can be divided into two rough categories: the orderly and the chaotic, and I mostly belong to the latter type. The difference is to some extent grounded in the genre in question, but you can often spot the chaotic one when they approach their music in a more, well, chaotic manner; they rarely sit with the same beat for long, and if they do, the beat is no only-supportive story either, but is instead punctuated with fills, crashes and general playfulness, while the orderly are stable as mountains, but rarely deviate from their given route. That's the short comment on my thoughts of my performance from a musical standpoint, which in itself is probably something that the band's 'musical mood' can benefit from, as that in itself is grounded in horror stories and insanity (and what can go wrong with a little bedlam?).
Well, I've said far too little with far too many words, but this'll do for now, take care out there and promise me, don't look behind you, it crawled up while you were reading.

My name is Alex, Awesome Alex!

Hello everyone!

I just like to take my time to present myself and my role in the Circus (of Lamia). I was born and raised in Sweden, Stockholm / Hedemora. Lived most of my life in the big Capital of Sweden (Stockholm) but also lived in an extremly small town (Hedemora) a bit further up from the middle in Sweden.


Started playing drums when I was 7 years old (drum lessons) but due to lack of money my mother had me practice on big phonebooks catalogues with drumsticks, instead of real drums. Sadly this didn't increase the odds of me going further in to music making me quit playing drums in a hurry and wasting my early days on Nintendo 8 bit and girls.

Though when I hit 6th grade I had a very close friend back then who loved playing guitar and we were always hanging out at this parents big house where they had lots of instruments. Didn't take long until I got my father to buy me an acoustic guitar and boom I was hooked on to guitar lessons and Beatles covers. From there my friends and I were jamming Metallica Covers in schools music room on our spare time and then the Rock n Roll life began!

2-3 years later I shoved my finger at the guitar teacher for having me play all that classical shit and said:
- I want to play heavy music, Metallica, Hammerfall, Helloween you know some decent Metal! You aint teaching me shit!

That's where the band Circus started and has progressed on and off with different bands and constellations over the forth coming 10-12 years. I bought electrical drum kit, more guitars, more effect pedals, and bigger amps and even invested in a home studio. My skills been refined and my fingers burn like fire on the fret board and for some odd reason my hair has been long and brown all the way down to chest for the last 6 years. Not to forget my neck has been growing in muscle due to excessive headbanging.


Now days I'm 25 years old, making my dough IT and spending my time in 2 bands, Circus of Lamia and Beyond Visions. Were in Circus of Lamia i'm part of being the main writer in the band. The happy guy who never would offend anything and laughs insanely to Mad Matts crazy sex jokes. In the band they would call me the Chairman who calls the shots, thumps up if they should live or, thump down if they should die.

So thats a bit of my Story, and if you curious I attached an older promotional image due to we havent taken any yet for Circus of Lamia.

Next time I should spend some time talk a bit about my equipment I use with the band, Untill Next time!

Over and out from
Awesome Alex

This is the creepshow!
Let me introduce; Matt! It's not much of a name, but meh, couldn't be bothered to actually come up with a really good
one, so matt's going to stay until I find THE name for me :)
My insperations comes from scitzophrenia :P But to be honest I see myself as a person with split personality; one that
lives on the outside as a shell and one for the madness locked away deep inside. Many of the thoughts and questions I
have regarding life and reality as we know it, is questions that have been risen by horror movies, reading horror
books and comics.
When not dealing with a psychotic mind, I like to play games, rather favor RPG's or horrors there again, and learning
guitar also.
I like to wear kilts, skirts and so one, I don't really know why, but I'm really comfortable in them so.
I've been growling since about 16, but I have been singing normally since about 2 (according to my mom), I have not
been taking classes for it, but I have a teacher lined up, gonna start with guitar and singing lessons after the
studio. I have a large interest in music and see myself as a musician since I sing and write lyrics, also poetry;
aiming to learn guitar so I can explain my twisted melody's.
That's my rambling, hope anything makes sense to someone :P
This is the creepshow!

Let me introduce; Matt! It's not much of a name, but meh, couldn't be bothered to actually come up with a really good one, so Matt's going to stay until I find THE name for me :)

My insperations comes from schitzophrenia :P But to be honest I see myself as a person with a split personality; one that lives on the outside as a shell and one for the madness locked away deep inside. Many of the thoughts and questions I have regarding life and reality as we know it, is questions that have been risen by horror movies, reading horror books and comics.

When not dealing with a psychotic mind, I like to play games, rather favor RPG's or horrors there again, and learning guitar also.

I like to wear kilts, skirts and so one, I don't really know why, but I'm really comfortable in them.
I've been growling since about 16, but I have been singing normally since about 2 (according to my mom), I have not been taking classes, but I have a teacher lined up, gonna start with guitar and singing lessons after our recording. I have a large interest in music and see myself as a musician since I sing and write lyrics, also poetry; aiming to learn guitar so I can explain my twisted melody's.

That's my rambling, hope anything makes sense to someone :P

That's it for this time, remember kids; eat your vegetables and don't forget to look under the bed before going to sleep..
So I get to be the first one to introduce myself!
Well, hello then! I am Jade and I am overly enthusiastic about too many things. I love tea, fairytales, literature, shoes, corsets, historical clothing, zombies and of course singing.
I could stop here since this sums me up quite accurately. But for you I will make an exception and do my homework and write an essay. Just for you.
Singing then!
I have been singing practically all my life but I have been taking lessons for about five years, and I intend to keep them up and develop myself as a vocalist and as a person together with Circus of Lamia.

I provide the band with vocals, part of the lyrics, boobs (To make Matt happy. And I guess it's true since no one else have much of a chest size to compete with, being dudes and all...), horrormovie screams, cake and well... female influences, whatever they may be, highest heels or the worst table manner.

Anyway... I find inspiration in strong emotions and objects and/or places and/or situations that can be connected to these very emotions. Like cemetaries, forests, madness, infinite sorrow, circuses, love and like I said; fairytales.
This is and will of course be reflected in our music and lyrics, like everyone elses thousands upon thousands of influences. More is more and it lets us have lots of ideas to choose from, which in turn will create a variety in the music itself.


Now I'd better go and refill my teapot before I space out too much and start to ramble about everything else and nothing else.
Oh and don't mind the picture. It's just me. All of our pictures will be updated with real promotion pictures that really represent Circus of Lamia as a band and individual members of the band. Soon. But not soon enough.

Until next time.
- Jade Shady

Band quote about me:
Alex: - "Damn, that's so cool! Is that your tour bus?"  No... It's Jade's wardrobe...
Artwork by Gustavo Sazes | Layout by Alexander Berg | Original Theme by 85ideas.