The name is Evve and from early on I wanted to be a drummer. My parents thought it was too loud so at the age of 14 I became the lead singer of a band instead.
It wasn’t enough to satisfy my hunger for music so I sidelined as a singer/songwriter with a bit softer sound and started to play bass in my former doom-metal band ‘The Sorceress’. Later on our guitarist and I ended up taking over the singing and growling too. The Sorceress broke up during 2007 and the year after, when I graduated from school my passion for music began too demise as the amount of work and energy outweigh the results.

Years passed, when I suddenly felt the urge to wright and play again. I put out an ad and Alex found me. I’m Circus of Lamias new bass player. I’m reloaded and ready. I close my eyes and inhale; I feel it spread, like adrenaline through my body. I welcome the madness and embrace it.

Until next time..