Keep focusing on this text, do not let your eyes wander.

I actually loathe doing presentations in this manner; not because I have any trouble expressing myself in text, but rather because it always calls for the question "is the person writing this text really presenting their self or are they simply presenting an image?", which is even more relevant when the person writing is part of a musical group with a very... Extravagant niche.

Now, with the lampshading of the inherent issues over, here I am. I am the drummer of this wonderful little group of merry men; a dedicated reader and horror fan from an early age I read Lovecraft and Poe before I knew their names, and I had read most well-known classical ghost- and horror stories by the age of ten. Why I have always had such a fascination with the macabre I do not know, but it has always been there in the back of my head, however, this does not give much help to those who want to get an image of me and my personality out of this text, so let us change subject a little. I talk, and think, and then talk some more. If the other members would be asked to describe me they would probably say something like that; my brain is often in overdrive, always spinning away on some issue(s), which makes some of my comments seem detached from the general conversation as I've (notice the shift to spelling with apostrophes, it's (hah, again) becoming a less formal text from now on) already said the relevant point, heard the answer and is now tackling the following comment before actually uttering a word. If Jade rambles, I monologue, digging away at whatever subject at sometimes ridiculous speeds.
This does not mean that I never shut up however, only that I'm difficult to stop once I get going; I'm actually very keen on listening when something serious is being discussed, often choosing to wait until the very end, approaching the problem from all directions before saying something, as talk is great, but running in circles around a subject is more annoying than having to walk two kilometres to a bus stop because the one you've been standing at for thirty minutes somehow gets ignored by the traffic. Or listening to people talk about their babies for longer than ten minutes at a time (tops, and only if they are friends).

Well, whaddaya know, we're back a zero again, because that's only a tiny part of what I am as a person, and I assume that you're far more interesting in learning about me as a musician, so here goes: I like playing around with my instrument. There, I said it. Drummers can be divided into two rough categories: the orderly and the chaotic, and I mostly belong to the latter type. The difference is to some extent grounded in the genre in question, but you can often spot the chaotic one when they approach their music in a more, well, chaotic manner; they rarely sit with the same beat for long, and if they do, the beat is no only-supportive story either, but is instead punctuated with fills, crashes and general playfulness, while the orderly are stable as mountains, but rarely deviate from their given route. That's the short comment on my thoughts of my performance from a musical standpoint, which in itself is probably something that the band's 'musical mood' can benefit from, as that in itself is grounded in horror stories and insanity (and what can go wrong with a little bedlam?).
Well, I've said far too little with far too many words, but this'll do for now, take care out there and promise me, don't look behind you, it crawled up while you were reading.