Welcome to our Circus, our Asylum, our Home!

As you may have noticed my name is Martin, born in the glorious year of 1992 and therefore the youngest in our crew.  My roll in all this madness except for constantly ranting about Chemistry, Math, Unexpect and Mike Patton is to play the bass. And not a regular four string bass! That´s because I’m the youngest in the band, I need to compensate!

Therefore I play on an evil 6 string bass instead of a regular one (and for defending myself against Matt´s constant bass jokes), I´m trying hard to change between bass techniques, finding new ones and making up my own. Everything to open new doors in my bass playing, this together with inspiration from Chemistry, Alchemy, Weird music and Litterateur I try to make my footprint in our music.

Outside of the band I study Chemistry and working on a school for children between the ages of 6- 10. My interests include Chemistry, Music, Avant Garde, Reading, Alchemy and Maths, a wonderfull mix of music and science! Come on(!) someone has to be the mad scientist right?
I actually thought about changing Malicious Martin to Mathematical Martin, but I would have probably been killed for that.
