A lot has been going on, although not much have been heard from us. We are finally back from a little summer break and we have moved into another rehearsal space with lots of benefits that make our rehearsals so much easier and efficient.
Our ideas are finally coming together and we have started working towards perfecting some of the songs (an a new one, that even now in its early stage feels like its going to be a killer) and making them just right. Apart from the music itself we are eagerly discussing directions and designs for new things to come, like a website, among other things. That particular website is really on its way towards being finished and it will feel great once we have it. This place will of course not be forgotten, but incorporated into it.
Last Thursday you could have caught me whirling around at Story Hotel in Stockholm, giving out chocolates and socialising, for Viola Lahger as they showed off their new amazing Dessert Collection for 2012. I got to be all dolled up in a sweet pink corset from last years Candy Collection.
The new corsets are really extraordinary! There are a lot of thinking outside the box going on and not many pieces follow the classic how-a-corset-should-look-rules. The lines between corsets, lingerie, skirts, dresses and evening wear are very blurred and I love it!
Needless to say is that I am inspired and on the lookout (and thinkout) for new possible stage wear, if I wasn't already. Even here I am plotting. In a year or so I might get my hands on something white, shiny and rubbery, and I can hardly wait, it is so right.
- Jade