Hello everyone!

Check out pictures posted by Molotov Studios at Facebook,



After the show

Literally seconds ago, I got home from out gig at Stampen. I think the rest of the bunch are still there, partying. Before every show I think that THIS time will be the time when I got all out and party afterwards, but... All of my energy is used up on stage so afterwards I just want to sleep. I am always the first one to leave. Not because it isn't fun, I'm just always exhausted.
I'm still symbolically giddy and silly from the show and a glass of red wine (studying aestethics has its side effects, y'know. It's dangerous. You might become, dare I say it, pretentious).
As usual, we were the last band on stage, and we had so much fun, getting ready (me and Matt in the ladies room, since the back stage lacked any kinds of mirrors, which suuuucked), and watching the other four bands play.
We videotaped a little before the show and I hope that  it is enough for a short youtube film. Also, I hope someone photographed, and that I might see it, because we were gorgeous and soo hot (literally and figuratively) in our bloody aprons, shirts, suits, hats and pink dresses!

Today I found something out that I from now on will consider essential for shows, except from earplugs, and a setlist (provided that the clothes I wear are somewhat covering)! A sports bra. I'm serious.
I had always thought that the difference can't be more than barely noticable and that they were ugly as hell! But from now on; if it won't show through my outfit, then I will wear one. It is still ugly, though, don't get me wrong, but as long as it doesn't show, I'm fine with it. Sure it makes the bust smaller and whatnot, but frankly that's okay, because I have bust to spare, lol. If you don't, then I can't help ya.

And with that imagery in your mind, I bid you a good night.


Check out our interview we had at Molotov Studios before the Show at Stampen, the 12th June.

" Ikväll så förvandlas Stampen till Circus of Lamia's alldeles egna matiné. Ett band som rent musikmässigt blandar melodisk metal med gothiska influenser, men som visuellt jobbar efter att hitta en balans mellan lite madness och skräck "


" Tonight Stampen is going to transform into Circus of Lamias very own matiné. This is a band that musically mixes melodic metal with gothic influences, but visually works to find a balance between a little madness and horror "

Read the full interview at the link here: http://fight-club.se/clubb/20120612/

And if you have forgotten, Circus of Lamia Live at Stampen the 12th June. Doors open at 19 and we will enter the stage at 21:30.

See you there!

Artwork by Gustavo Sazes | Layout by Alexander Berg | Original Theme by 85ideas.