Tomorrow it is time for us to hit the stage!
If you are in Stockholm, come to Harry B James at Regeringsgatan 47 around 10-11 PM and join us in our madness!
I can promise you several songs never heard before as well as those you may know.
It's going to be a ton of fun.

This week will be hectic. But You have lots of chances to catch scattered glimpses of us around Stockholm.

Apart from our gig tomorrow, and if you haven't had enough of metal and amazing live shows, you can catch our Sam play with Midvinterblot at the Emergenza semi-finals at Klubben, Fryshuset this Saturday, the 28th!
There is still time to get tickets from the members and get there to support them!

If you have had enough of music for this week (I don't know why on earth anyone would, but I'm not going to judge), and is an early bird, then you can do some serious shopping for glam and catch me in a runway show for Viola Lahger, the finest corsetry in Sweden, at Burleskloppis this Sunday, the 29th!
Last years I got a splendid, authentic nurse's uniform that is about 40-60 years old, for mere pennies! Yeah, I'm serious. That is just to mention one thing.
Also there will be loads of fantastic burlesque shows with talented (and attractive) ladies in corsets and sequins. I know I don't wanna miss that.


The Circus

Amanda Light was so kind as to photograph us again. Here we are, with the correct line up, humble and simple. Nothing extraordinary, just us.

Matt - Vocals

Jade - Vocals

Alex - Guitars

Fredde - Keyboards

Evve - Bass

Sam - Drums

We went to our rehearsal space yesterday to hang out, fix some vocals and plan around about the live show.
When we arrived we saw some guys tampering with the soda machine, mending it.
They checked the cables and everything, they also tried it to see that it worked fine and it seemed to be working fine.

We went into our room to rehearse and started to talk a bit and plonk on instruments and exchaning ideas and different views of random subjects within the band.
After a little while we got thirsty, so we decided to send me to get the drinks from the new soda machine.

When I got to the machine I inserted 10 SEK, as is the usual cost for a coke, pressed the button and waited a few seconds..

Not one, but two cokes came out and I thought "splendid", got two from the price of one!
I then noticed that the amount on the machine for already put in money, still showed 10 SEK, so I pressed it again..

Another one came, I pulled a happy awesome face --> :D:D:D (that was how happy I was) and pressed a few more times until I felt ashamed of abusing the broken machine (read system, cause that's more metal).
I then realised that the number for money put into the machine, still hadn't changed at all so I pressed the return button and got 11 SEK back.
I went back to the room with the instuments and couldnt hold my evil sadistic laugh!

To summarize; I put in 10 SEK into the machine, got 5 sodas of different kinds and got 11 SEK back! I made 1 SEK but got 5 sodas.

Later Jade did the same thing and we laughed like hell again.

We are the true anarchists of the state and in metal! \m/




Perhaps I should wish you all a happy Easter, but the truth is that I don't celebrate Easter, not in the least.
I do enjoy celebrating holidays as a principal, almost every one including Midsummer, Halloween (throughout October, every day during that month), Christmas, waffle day, cinnamon roll day, towel day...
I usually put a spin on the traditional decoratives or food (like making a ginger cemetary, ginger eiffel tower... Or decorating our Christmas tree with lots of studded belts, bats, spiderwebs and skulls. Yeah, I was fourteen and sick to death of Christmas).
But I have never celebrated Easter. Sure, I dressed up as a witch and harassed my neighbours until they gave me sweets once when I was a kid, but I think my mom set me up to do that. Also, I think I just enjoyed being dressed up as a witch, because I got to walk around with a broom and eat a lot of sweets...

This was not what I was supposed to write about today. I'm being forced to read "The Iliad" by Homer for school, and you could say that it's taking up most of my energy. That might be the reason for this unorganised post.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy it immensely, it's just a little heavy for my mind. Okay, very heavy.
Well... Happy Easter anyway, to all of you who do celebrate it. If I painted eggs, I would paint skulls, because I am so hardcore. So all of you who do paint eggs, please paint some skulls for me. Spiders are cool too, and bats. Paint that.

What have we been up to lately?
Well... the usual, we have been rehearsing. More and more of us have started bringing our dinners to rehearsal space during Wednesdays. That is kinda cozy, in my opinion.
Oh yeah, and we shot new promotional pics in a studio. Lovely Amanda Light held the camera this time as well while we made snarly faces and such.
Other than that we are working on new songs, as usual. And since Sam is going home to the more northern regions of the country during Easter, we are going to take that time to finish some songs, redo some and you know... just polish some of them until they shine.
Also we are planning for our first (official) gig here in Stockholm! On April 24th we will play on Harry B James. If you are in town, come see us!

So yeah. Happy Easter if you celebrate it.
For me and everyone else, let's enjoy our time off. And the weather. Make tea and scones and enjoy the fact that yellow is an ugly colour and we won't have anything to do with it.

- Jade

Sam: "I know what a Sweet Release is! (The name of our most recent song) It's a sock and some apricot perfume!"

Artwork by Gustavo Sazes | Layout by Alexander Berg | Original Theme by 85ideas.